Thursday, June 17, 2010

Self Evaluation

In this documentary, I worked as the producer, I filled out the daily logs everyday and kept our team on track to getting what we wanted done. I helped with the interviewing and filming alongside of the other members when extra help was needed. I also took part in the editing process by putting in my two cents of when and how shots should be used. Along with the written work I also created the movie poster for this documentary.

The part I did best was keeping our group on task and on time. I kept a list of the shots we wanted to get in order to make this film a success. I also learned the different ways to edit and how the editting process works. I was able to add and remove shots when necessary, how to change volumes on clips and so on, which is significant to me because I never knew how to do that confidently before this film.

If i had to change something for next time, I would reduce the length of shots and excess talking that was in our overall film. I would want to be shorter and more to the point so that audiences stay engaged in the film and not get distracted. To get to this I would be more clear on what actual questions I want to put in the documentary before doing the interviews.

I would want you to notice all the hard work I put into all the written aspect of this project, by keeping a daily log I knew exactly what gone and when and what order the shots would be in when it came to the editting process which saved us alot of time. Also along with the written work, I would like you to realize that even though I was a producer I really stepped up and helped out with all the other aspects when it came to making this film what it was. I want you to know how much I learned from this project and how much fun I had making this film and everything I learned about the Yorkmills music program.

The Sounds of York Mills

1~ the film is told from the point of view of a student in York Mills who is exploring the different bands at our school. The students are showing the different musical taleents and different stlyes of music found in York Mills played by both teacher and students.

2~ In this film the most effectively used documentary techniques would have to be interactive because we got involved by interviewing the different bands. And also observational because at some points we just filmed the bands jamming out and just being themselves. We were just watching as a third party not getting involved.

3~ The style of the film was to show who the bands were and the talents that they held. We did this by having interviews with the bands and some members individually and then filming the bands playing together. This serves the content because it exposes who the bands are to the viewers and then goes into detail about who the bands are and their inspiration(s).

4~ my favorite character in the film is Brian Davis. When we sat down and talked to him individually he gave us a very good insight into music in his life and music in his band. Brian was very natural infront of the camera and didn't try and put on a show he just told us what we wanted to know and gave us good answers. If I had to cast one perosn for this part I would cast no one but Brian Davis himself because noone else would be able to show the passion and love you can see in his face when he is playing or even talking about his music.

Monday, June 14, 2010

3D Mapping Technologies

3D Mapping is a new advertising technology that has been made recently. I personally think that it is a very cool and futuristic idea to project the advertisements like this, but as with everything there are pros and cons to it.

- it easily draws attention to the advertisement
- a way for advertisement to keep up with movies, that are all becoming 3D
- makes the audience feel as if they are a part of the advertisement and makes them want to stay to see what this is and what is going to happen next

- people might be fooled that it is real, and in this situation if they saw the building starting to crack they might call the police for help
- to see the advertisement the proper way you must be looking at it from a certain direction or else it will not work properly.
- The weather conditions and time of day must be perfect, you would not be able to project something like this if it is light out because you wouldn't see the projections very well and same with if it was raining


What is Canadian-ness, is the way we act and interact with each otehr and other people around the world. Being Canadian in this day in age is being multiculturtal. Accepting anyone not paying attention to their race or religion. In class we had a discussions about what we thoguht Canadian-ness was and someone said we are nice, Candians are known for being very nice to everyone, but after our discussion and thinking about the people I've met in different places around the world I came to the conclusion that Canadians are no more if at all more freindly than other countries. We are just more accomodating.
Canadian-ness is what the rest of the world knows us for, the things that they think we do. It has been thought we live in igloo's, but no that is not what makes us Canadian. Canadians are very similar to American's because the two countries are attached and rely so much on each other.
Canadians use the heroes to shape who they are nationally and internationally differently. There are many heroes and famous people that are known in Canada as Canadians but no where else in the world. One of the most famous icons we talked about is Laura Secord she was a Canadian and did great things for us. A chocolate store was named after her and is well known all over Canada but not in the US or elsewhere in the world. Thus it is not showcased to others what she did unless they take a course on Canadian History. An internationally known icon is Celine Dion, her music went worldwide and is one of the first to show the world that talent can come out of Canada aswell as the US.