Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan published a world famous book in 1964 called Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man in this book he made many statements about the media that have become famous. One statement in perticular is "The median is the message", this basically means that the median embeds itself into the message. This creates a link between the two and means that the medium influences what the message is going to say. McLuhan went on to compare the reading of soemthign and the watchign of soemthign. When reading if you didn;t understand it you can simply reread that line, where as when watchign a movie you have to rewatch an entire segment. He claims that watchign TV or a movie requires more thinking and processing on the viewer's part because they ahev to enterpret what they are seeing.

Marshall McLuhan has impacted the media to an extent. He changed many peoples perspective on it. Personally I agree with McLuhan, the new technologies in media are taking away from our learning. It is a proven fact that you don't absorb what you read on a computer as well as what you read from a printed version, so why do we force ourselves to have to work harder? It is also proven that when watching a movie or TV that your brain isn't fully concentrated on the show, you're either multi tasking (doing homework at the same time) or your brain is wandering off thinking about other things. Every time you watch a show over you will see something new that you didn't notice before. Once again we are putting ourselves through more trouble, and having to spend extra time rewatching things to see the part you missed.

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