Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learning Styles:

I found out that I was a Tactile learner, my overall results for this are 25% Auditory, 20% Visual, and 55% Tactile. I learn by touching and doing 'hands on' things. I prefer to touch, move, build, and draw things to learn them. I learn better when there is physical activity included in the process, and have much difficulties sitting still. When bored i will find reasons to move around, or fidget. While sitting in class I am not able to sit still, whether im tapping my foot playing with a pen or doodling i will be doing something. I am very coordinated and have great athletic ability.

This show alot about me, because I am a dancer, coordination is greatly needed and while dancing there is not one point where at least one point of your body is not moving. This shows that if i want to learn something i best bet to do this is by physically doing it, for example learning a new dance move, the teacher tells me what to do then i have to keep doing it over and over again until i prefect it.

After taking the test on this website i found out that I am a visual and Tactile learner. I would benefit from using sight and life experiences, and then using them to relate back to work. I can pickup information really easily by listening to it, but I am too active to listen to it all without speaking out or stop listening. I understand work well from class demonstrations, group studies, and learning games. I tend to sit in the back but would do better off in the front, because I get distracted very easily.

This shows that although i have lots of potential to do well if i tried, the classroom setting isn't the best for me because since I do get off topic easily I need to take lots of short breaks to keep me going. I now know that to help me concentrated it is perfectly fine to fidget and do something like tap my pen.

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